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Dunedin 2023 Launch Review

Chiasma Dunedin kicked off the 2023 events by welcoming 74 guests to the Launch. The evening began with introductions to Chiasma’s upcoming events and an invitation to sign up as a member and to follow our social media accounts. The event also featured guest speakers from the University of Otago Career Development Centre, UNICEF Students Otago, Sciences at Otago Students Association (SOSA), Dunedin Toastmasters Club, Momentum, Women in Health Network Otago, and Otago University Chemistry Students Association, who discussed their respective organisations and what they have to offer STEM students. A huge thanks to all the guest speakers for giving their time, all STEM students were excited for a fun and jam-packed year ahead! The attendees were invited to join for some kai and networking. The kai disappeared quickly, but attendees stayed around till the end of the evening happily chatting. Stay tuned for more exciting events from Chiasma Dunedin!

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