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September 2017

Jigsaw puzzles

Having studied a science undergraduate degree consisting mostly of many hours of individual study, which was like hunting as a lone wolf; group work was practically non-existent. It was not until this year upon stumbling across Bioscience Enterprise that I had my first proper experience of group work in the university and a taste of being a pack hunter

Do less, achieve more

I enjoy the moment when I cross out an item from my to-do list. It is like an acknowledgement of my efforts. Having a sense of achievement is helpful to keep motivated; however, chances are also higher for us to be blinded by the number of items accomplished, rather than their importance. As Henry David Thoreau said, “It’s not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about?”

How is PhD life different to Bachelor time?

The full name of PhD is doctor of philosophy, or more descriptively “permanent head damage”. Generally, you conduct your own research over three to four years and contribute novel knowledge to the field. At the end of journey, you defend your thesis and get rewarded as “Dr”. As a Bachelor student, you take papers, write reports, assignments and exams, then you pass the course.