The Lamb
So I’ve just had a quick read through all the previously written blogs down the pages and archives of journals… Read More »The Lamb
So I’ve just had a quick read through all the previously written blogs down the pages and archives of journals… Read More »The Lamb
inspo noun 1. a tag commonly used online to mean a source of inspiration or influence Inspiration has increasingly… Read More »#inspo
It’s been over ten years since New Zealand’s (NZ) national student organization was founded, a big milestone and a time for reflection. Chiasma strives to foster links between science students, academia and industry.
Design can be a loaded word with many connotations. But if you think about how something works in its context, the last 5% of improvement can make all the difference in the final result.
I’m currently in Stockholm, Sweden completing my Master’s Thesis in BioScience Enterprise. As an exchange student you are immersed in a new country and learn a lot of things first hand.
Here are some things I’ve learned about Sweden during my time here so far.
If you haven’t already heard; Volkswagen are emission cheats. (Full story here)
When I heard the story my first thought was: agency problem – employees are acting in their own best interest. Why? The now ex CEO, Martin Winterkorn, says he knew nothing but I think this is unlikely.
So often, young adults like myself become fixated on achieving their ultimate life goals. So much so that a small setback can easily derail their progress and send them into a downward spiral of self-doubt.
Please Note: The views expressed are based on the author’s personal experience and thoughts. Advice should be taken with caution (or not at all) as it’s subjective to individual circumstances.
I am not a motivational speaker, a hippy or affiliated with any particular religion. I am just your average Joe student who stresses over exams, stays up late to finish assignments and worries about my vocational future. The next part may sound a bit ‘weird’ to some, but over the last few years I have begun to truly realise the marvel of life (without even taking any philosophy papers!).