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Science – more than just lab work?

I keep thinking back to when I started university. There was a great deal of excitement and nerves, and I really felt that once I began my four years of study, everything would fall into place. I had a great interest in what science could offer and, like many others I assume, a passion to create a positive difference in the world. I always thought that I would be content spending the rest of my life working in a lab, and that my only real option would be further study.


Creativity is something that is usually thought of as an abstract concept. Some people believe that it is a talent that only certain people have. I think that creativity is much more than that and we should use it to our advantage in our daily life.

Project Slow-Yo

Somebody once said that everything looks cooler in slow motion. So I put that to the test.

Discovering Chiasma’s Workshops

We all know that Chiasma has some really good events where you can network with students and industry members alike, but what some of you may not know is that Chiasma puts on some really good workshops too.

Integration, not segregation

The tenth annual Chiasma Launch was a rousing event – Joerg Kistler spoke of the importance of collaboration between the industry and academia in order to propel New Zealand’s growth as an intellectual powerhouse. We have the talent, but the link – the ‘chiasma’ so to speak, needs to be strengthened.